Kolejna edycja The Innovation Prize® 2014

For 6 years, The Innovation Prize® has become increasingly successful at an International scale and became a reference in biotechnology.
With the support of public organizations (The National Research Agency, The Pasteur Institute), the healthcare industry (Myriad Genetics, Ipsen, Servier and Pierre Fabre) and Universal Biotech, this prize awards biotechnology companies’ projects and academic research teams in life sciences.
The fields concerned are drugs, medical devices, medical technologies and e-health solutions.
Each year, 120 candidates apply from 25 countries to win the overall prize of 50.000 € including cash and consulting services provided by Universal Biotech and its partners.
The call for proposal of the Innovation Prize 2014 will be launched on February 3rd, 2014. The candidates will be able to register on the dedicated online platform: www.universal-biotech-prize.com
This key event for innovation projects is a real springboard for your cluster, institution, university… It is an international showcase for companies and innovative projects in the field of biotechnology.
The call for proposal will be launched on February 2014 but feel free to contact us now to relay information on your communication supports and to exchange logos and visuals so we can give you maximum visibility on our website.
Źródło: www.lifescience.pl
Tagi: Innovation Prize, lab, laboratorium, lifescience, konkurs, projekt
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