Life Science Open Space Kraków 2014
The conference dedicated to connecting life science and innovation, following a formula which allows for interdisciplinary interaction amongst seekers, solvers, inventors, developers, investors, customers, scientists and entrepreneurs.
The theme 2014 is “ideas and technologies for health and quality of life”.
Specific interest tracks seek cross-fertilization of clinical innovations in areas such as mHealth, eHealth, telemedicine, diagnostics, personalized medicine, lifestyle, beauty and healthy aging, nutrition and life science design and others.
Present or listen to focused pitches concerning a specific technology or innovation then be ready for face-to-face meetings and dialog within an international community representing a variety of cooperating interests.
Whom to expect?
Solution seekers- have challenge, look for solution from partners;
Solution providers- have specific competence, look for challenges;
Inventors-have a great idea, look for further co-development;
Developers-have great app, look for further co-development;
Investors- have money, look for investment opportunity;
Scientists-have knowledge, look for challenges;
Entrepreneurs-have business, look for business opportunities;
Patients-have health record, look to share experience;
Active persons- have fitness record, look to share experience;
Do you have an idea or a need or a challenge that matter for health and quality of life? Or just a drive to learn about?
We invite you to attend the most promising emerging event in CE Europe 2014 – Oct 22th, Kraków, Poland, www.lifescience.pl
Tagi: life, science
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